
李博士擁有豐富的 試管受精實驗室 操作和管理經驗。她既接受了婦產科醫師的培訓,又進行了臨床胚胎學家的培訓,多年來一直專注於單細胞胚胎植入前基因檢測的研究。在胚胎學實驗室方面,生命樹生育中心提供最先進的服務,擁有頂尖的實驗室科學家和技術設備。請放心,您的胚胎將由加州經驗豐富的胚胎學家負責照顧。實驗室是生育診所的核心,也是體外受精成功的基礎。專業經歷
- 2019 - 2020 加州芳泉谷,西海岸生育中心實驗室主任
- 2017 - 2019 加州恩西諾,西部生育研究所實驗室主任
- 2006 - 2016 加州千橡市,生育和外科聯合公司實驗室主任
- 2003 - 2006 加州比佛利山莊,南加州生育中心植入前基因診斷與研究主任
- 2002 - 2003 佛羅裡達州傑克遜維爾,佛羅裡達生殖醫學研究所高級胚胎學家和基因檢測實驗室科學家
- 1999 - 2002 瑞典哥德堡大學的胚胎學家和PGD-Fish科學家,試管受精與配子遺傳學實驗室。
- 1999-2002,佛羅裡達大學蓋恩斯維爾分校進行博士後研究
- 1994-1998, 中國廣州中山大學孫逸仙醫科大學生殖醫學與研究中心進行博士研究
- 1990-1994,中國武漢同濟醫科大學進行婦產科住院醫師培訓
- 1985-1990,中國武漢同濟醫科大學
- 美國生物分析學會(ABB)頒發的高複雜性臨床實驗室主任(HCLD)證書,涵蓋了胚胎學(ELD)、精子學(Andrology)和分子診斷(Molecular Diagnostics)領域,證書編號為3488,頒發日期為2000年12月。
- 自2005年8月,獲得美國國家實驗室人員國家認證機構(NCA,已更名為ASCP)頒發的分子生物學認證實驗室專家(CLSMB)資格認證。
- 自2012年7月,擁有加州臨床遺傳分子生物學科學家(CGMBS)資格,加州執照號碼為MTP000000365。
- 2001 - present 美國生殖醫學協會會員
- 2003 - present 太平洋海岸生育協會會員
- 1990 - present 中國婦產科醫學協會會員
1. M. Li, A Kumar. TESTICULAR SPERM CORRELATES WITH A SIMILAR RATE OF EUPLOID EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT COMPARED TO CYCLES USING EJACULATED SPERM .. Fertility and Sterility, ASRM 2016 presentation.2. M. Li, A. Kumar, M. Shamonki, G. Hubert. Implantation rates following transfer of vitrified euploid blastocysts are independent of maternal age. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 104, Issue 3, e33~340. September 2015.3. Man Li MD PhD, Yufen Xie MD PhD, Hyang Park MS, Sanaz Azadbadi MS, Ashim Kumar MD, Gary Hubert MD, Richard Buyalos MD. Microarray Preimplantation Genetic Screen significantly improves clinical outcomes in patients received vitrified-thawed embryos transfer. ASRM 2014 oral presentation.4. Yufen Xie MD PhD,Man Li MD PhD,Hyang Park MS, Sanaz Azadbadi MS, Ashim Kumar MD, Gary Hubert MD, Richard Buyalos MD. The Relationship Between Blastocyst Grading, Timing of Blastocyst Formation, Maternal Age and Chromosomal Abnormality. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 102, Issue 3, e174. September 2014.5. Richard Buyalos, Lian Liu, Ashim Kumar, Felicia Wetherby, Raul Leony, Man Li. Blastocysts Re-analysis after Cleavage Stage Biopsy with 24 Chromosome Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). How Reliable Is the PGS Report? Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 99, Issue 3, S29-S30. March 01, 2013.6. Richard Buyalos, Lian Liu, Ashim Kumar, Felicia Wetherby, Raul Leony, Man Li. Is Morula Biopsy an Effective Option for PGS? Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 99, Issue 3, S30. March 01, 2013.7. F. Weatherby, S. Keyhan, A. Kumar, G. Hubert, R. Buyalos, M. Li. Oocyte bank set up by comparing different vitrification devices. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 100, Issue 3, S174. September, 2013.8. M. Li, Y. Xie, H. Park, A. Kumar, G. Hubert, R. Buyalos. Frozen-thawed embryo transfer improves clinical 01,.1tcomes in patients receiving IVF treatment. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 100, Issue 3, S177. September, 2013.9. M. Li, Y. Xie, H. Park, A. Kumar, G. Hubert, R. Buyalos. The effects of elevated serum progesterone level at the day of hCG injection on clinical outcome in IVF-ET patients. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 100, Issue 3, S7. September, 2013.10. R. Buyalos, M. Li, F. Miller, M. Zhang, A. Kumar, G. Hubert. Effective blastocyst cryopreservation markedly incre.ases cumulative pregnancy rates per ova retrieval in donor ova and non-donor cycles independent of patient age. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 92, Issue 3, S157. September 2009.11. R. Buyalos, M. Li, A. Kumar, G. Hubert, F. Miller. Does Advancing Maternal Age Ameliorate the Advantage of Blastocyst Transfer? The Implantation Rate of Blastocyst Compared to Cleavage Stage Embryo Transfer as a Function of Patient Age. Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 95, Issue 4, S13-S14. March 15, 2011.12. Man Li, MD, PhD. Dual Differential Stain Protocol: Blastocyst Cell Discrimination and Number Determination. The Clinical Embryologist, 2006, Issue 2, Volume 9, P34-35.13. Tian Chiu, Man Li, Catherine Marin De Ugarte, David Hill. Surrogate live birth of a normal baby for a patient with Marfan syndrome. Poster Presentation, PCRS 2005.14. DL Hill, N Buehler, Z Jiang, M Surrey, H Danzer and Man Li. In Vitro Fertilization - Embryo Transfer Combined with Aneuploidy Screening of Day Three Embryos Lowers the Miscarriage Rate in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Patients of Advanced Maternal Age. Poster Presentation, PCRS 2005.15. Man Li, Catherine Marin DeUgarte, Mark Surrey, Hal Danzer, Alan DeChemey and David L. Hill. Fluorescence in situ hybridization reanalysis of day-6 human blastocysts diagnosed with aneuploidy on day 3. Fertility Sterility 2005; 11 :1395-1400.16. Man Li MD PhD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Hal Danzer MD, Mark Surrey MD, and David Hill PhD. Determination of Mosaicism in early human embryos by confirmation FISH. Poster Presentation, PCRS 2005.17. Man Li MD PhD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Hal Danzer MD, Mark Surrey MD, Alan DeCherney MD and David Hill PhD. Rescue ICSI and PGD: the combination can result in pregnancy. Poster Presentation, PCRS & ASRM 2005.18. Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Gayane Ambartsumyan MD, Man Li MD PhD, David Hill PhD and Alan DeChemey MD. Successful selection of normal embryos using PGD in a woman with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3. Poster Presentation, PCRS 2005.19. David Hill PhD, Man Li MD PhD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Hal Danzer MD, Mark Surrey MD, and Alan DeCherney MD. Day 3 morphology as a predictor of aneuploidy. Poster Presentation, PCRS & ASRM 2005.20. Susan Sarajari MD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Man Li MD PhD, Alan DeCherney MD and David Hill PhD. Aneuploidy in Day 3 embryos where in pronuclei (PN) were not observed following routine insemination or lntracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Poster Presentation, ASRM 2005.21. David Hill PhD, Man Li MD PhD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Susan Sarajari MD, Nicole Buehler, Mark Surrey MD, Hal Danzer MD and Alan DeCherney MD. The relationship between cleavage rate and morphology to aneuploidy in day three human embryos. Poster Presentation, ASRM 2005.22. Man Li, David Hill. FISH reanalysis on day 6 human blastocysts diagnosed with aneuploidy on day 3: does day 3 single cell biopsy accurately represent the numerical chromosomal status of the embryo? ESH RE 2004, oral presentation.23. Man Li, David Hill. Embryo biopsy medium may hold the key to successful outcomes following pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. ESHRE 2004, poster presentation24. Man Li MD PhD, Catherine Marin DeUgarte MD, Zharong Jiang MD, Hal Danzer MD, Mark Surrey MD, and David Hill PhD. Towards a single blastocyst transfer: PGD in combination with morphology selection could be the ultimate tool. ASRM 2004 Poster Presentation.25. Man Li, MD, PhD, Catherine Marin De Ugarte, MD, Hal Danzer.MD, Mark Surrey MD, Alan DeCherney MD and David Hill, PhD. Comparison of Computer Assisted Infrared Laser with acid Tyrode solution in zona drilling for embryo biopsy. ASRM 2004 Poster presentation.26. Man Li, Ashim Kumar, Catherine Marin DeUgarte, Mark Surrey, Hal Danzer, Alan DeCherney, David L. Hill. Does "EmbryoGlue®" help embryos in their implantation? ASRM 2004 Poster presentation.27. Catherine Marin De Ugarte MD, Man Li MD PhD, Alan DeCherney MD, Hal Danzer MD, Mark Surrey MD, David Hill PhD. Accuracy of FISH in predicting chromosomal status in PGD patients. ASRM 2004 Poster presentation.28. Catherine Marin De Ugarte MD, Man Li MD PhD, Alan DeCherney MD, Mark Surrey MD, Hal Danzer MD, David Hill PhD; Do patients who undergo Preimplantation Genetic 4 Diagnosis have higher pregnancy rates and should fewer embryos be transferred? ASRM 2004 poster presentation.29. Jaime Drinville MD, Catherine Marin De Ugarte MD, Man Li MD PhD, David Hill PhD, Mark Surrey MD and Alan DeCherney MD. Are families with 3 children of the same sex more likely to have the next child of the same sex? ASRM 2004 poster presentation.30. Man Li, David Hill. Pregnancies by PGD for translocation carriers using single interphase cell FISH with chromosome-specific breakpoint spanning probes. PCRS 2004, poster presentation.31. David Hill and Man Li. What Regulations for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis? Journal of Assisted Reproductive Genetics, January 2004, Vol21, No. 1, P11-1332. Kipersztok S, Man L, Drury KC, Williams RS, Rhoton-Vlasak AS. Use of lntracytoplasmic Sperm lnjectiopn (ICSI) in In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Cycles with Failed or Poor Fertilization. Reproductive Technologies. 2001, volume10, number 6;311-313.33. Li M, Drury KC, Williams RS. Suitability of Mouse Embryos for Human IVF QC: Zygotes vs. 2-cell Embryos. Fertility and Sterility 2001, 76 (3S1): S23034. Li M, Drury KC, Kipersztok S, Rhoton-Vlasak AS, Williams RS. Efficiency of 12- chromosome aneuploidy diagnosis (2,7,8,13,14,15,16,18,21,22, Y and Y) by three round FISH test. Fertility and Sterility 2002, 78, suppl1: s183.35. Xu YW, Zhuang GL, Shu YM, Li M, Zhou CQ, Zhang MF. Preimplantation Gender diagnosis by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Chinese Medical Journal 2002; 115 (6): 874-877.36. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. Using testicular sperm to provide fertility for azoospermia men. National medical journal of China, 2000,80 (8): 588-590.37. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. Using ejaculated, epididymal or testicular spermatoza to provide fertility for infertile men. Journal of Chinese surgery, 2000,38(4): 280-282.38. Li Man, Zhuang GL. Development potential of human embryos after blastomere biopsy. Journal of reproductive medicine (Chinese), 1999,8(2): 107-109.39. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. Pregnancy after intracytoplasmic sperm injection using immotile, stump ejaculated and testicular spermatozoa. Journal of reproductive medicine (Chinese}, 2000,9 (3) 178-179.40. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. Frozen-thawed epididymal sperm intracytoplasmic sperm injection to treat infertility caused by obstructive azoospermia. Journal of Chinese urology, 1999,20 (6): 350.41. Li XH, Li M, Zhuang GL, et al. Sex determination of pre-implantation embryos by nest PCR. Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences. 1998,19 (1): 11- 13.42. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. Cryopreservation noctoral emission and intracytoplasmic sperm injection to provide fertility for anejaculation men. Journal of reproductive medicine (Chinese}, 1998,7(1):52-53.43. Li Man, Zhuang GL, et al. The relationship of serum P level on the day of hCG injection and pregnancy in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Chinese Journal of practical Gynecology and Obstetrics. 1997,13 (3): 147-148.
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